Message from the Coordinator

Prof. Dr. Mahmuder Rahman

Chairman, Governing Body,
Dhaka Community Medical College & Coordinator, Dhaka Community Hospital Trust

Dhaka Community Nursing College is an unit of Dhaka Community Hospital Trust. Dhaka Community Hospital Trust began it’s long journey in 1988 with a tertiary care hospital. The aim is to develop a model of integrated, quality and affordable health care for common people of Bangladesh.
The members of the Trust have considerable experience in teach- ing and organizing various development programs with the participa- tion of community.Objective of this college is to produce nursing gradu-
ates who will be sensitive to the socio-economic realities of the commu- nity and at the same time will be able to deliver affordable quality health care. I sincerely hope that the nursing students coming out of this college after years of hard work, will absorb all the knowledge and skill appropriate for modern nursing practices and will preserve all human qualities during professional life.
The B.Sc Nursing students of this College will be able to inspire their respective health teams and also will be able to lead them with dedica- tion. On behalf of the Trust and the governing body, I congratulate all the students who are going to join this College and I hope that they will do their utmost to maintain a high standard of knowledge and skill.
The college is still facing many hurdles, but I am confident that we shall overcome all the challenges and be able to establish this College as one of the best in this region in co-operation with the persons concerned.
I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who have worked hard and still working hard to achieve our objectives in flour- ishing this Community Nursing College.